

Thank you for your interest in getting in touch with me! I would be happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out using any medium provided below.


Email is the best way to reach out to me. You can email me at info[at]akshansh[dot]me. I check my inbox regularly.

Social Media

You can also connect with me on social media.

Instant Messaging

DM me using [matrix] at

Anonymous Feedback / Message Form

If you prefer to send me a message directly from the website, you can use the form below. Your identity will be kept anonymous. You will, however, be required to log in to your google account. This is done to keep the spam responses in check.

PGP Public Key

My public key can obtained from the keybase link above. I don’t personally use keybase, this is just for hosting my public key(s) for anyone to use.


I’m always open to collaborations with other professionals, hobbyists and like-minded peeps. If you would like to work together on a project or partnership, please reach out to me using any medium mentioned above.
I look forward to hearing from you! 😄✌️